Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Oh It's So Delicious... Chocolate Coconut Milk

Have you ever felt like you were denying yourself when you were trying to watch what you eat?  I would always deny, deny, deny and then... OH NO! I would go crazy (and I mean really crazy) and eat something I shouldn't have.  One thing with Paleo is that you do not have to deny yourself of anything.  You are allowed to have treats.  You can have yummy, healthy food and do something good for your body.

One of my favorite treats is So Delicious Chocolate Coconut Milk- and it is oh SO DELICIOUS!  Tonight at the station someone brought in chocolate cake with chocolate fudge filling but instead of reaching for a piece, I had a glass of my chocolate coconut milk and felt satisfied.  It was tasty and gave me that chocolate taste without all the sugar and flour of the cake.  I made a good choice and I feel great about it.  So check out the nutritional benefits of coconut and sit down with a glass of pure pleasure...  The best thing- when I got on the website I noticed they have a mint chocolate flavor... OMGosh, that sounds heavenly...  And there is even a coupon on the website.  (With Paleo, if I would have wanted a piece of cake I could have indulged...  Moderation and eating to your body type are the keys...  But I know that when I eat that much sugar my stomach hurts so I try to stay away from it.  That's what happens when you follow Paleo and stop eating the processed foods, your body does not want them.)

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