Wednesday, December 26, 2012

21 Day Sugar Detox Challenge

I'm sure it's no surprise that I fell off the Paleo wagon... again...  It happens.  I can't beat myself up about the food choices I have made.  However, I am going to pick myself up, brush off and start again.  Today I am going to begin the 21 Day Sugar Detox, a strict version of Paleo to get me back on track. 

A few days ago one of the guys at work asked if I wanted to join him in the 21 DSD and my first thought was "heck no!  I can't do that!"  "You can do anything for 21 days," he said.  And he's right....  It's only 21 days- 3 weeks.  It will be tough but I CAN DO THIS.  Most importantly, it will be worth it when the 21 days are up.

I created a group on Facebook and asked my friends if they were interested and there are 10 other people beginning the new year in the right direction with their food choices.  I am really excited!  I have needed a push to get me back to the best lifestyle for me.  So I am going to try to update daily on my progress. Wish me luck!

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