Saturday, June 23, 2012


Left is DC Meats bacon, Right Hormel
The other day I realized that we were out of bacon and it was too late to go to the butcher shop. While I was at the local chain grocery store, I noticed that Hormel offers a nitrate/nitrite free (NF) bacon so I thought I would give it a try. When I opened the package the first thing I noticed was how fatty it was. The next thing I noticed was the thinness of the pieces- so thin that when I was peeling the pieces apart they were ripping.  The nitrate free bacon I buy at DC Meats has a nice color and is a much thicker cut. 

When I cooked the bacon the Hormel bacon became REALLY small.  Just check out the picture for yourself!

I just think the piece on the left looks SO much better!

So what are nitrates and why should you care?

Nitrates are a naturally occurring in vegetables.  Beets, lettuce, spinach, and most green, leafy vegetables are found to be high in nitrates.  "So here is how dietary nitrates (in vegetables) are good for you. They help to increase the amount of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide (NO) helps blood vessels relax, lowering blood pressure. Nitric oxide (NO) has anti-inflammatory activity as well inhibits blood clot formation somewhat." 1   

"When meat containing nitrites is heated (particularly at high temperatures), the result is nitrosamines, compounds that have been linked with health issues such as gastric cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)." 2

Just like everything else, processed meats should be eaten in moderation.  However, if you find that eating bacon, luncheon meats and other processed meats is a staple in your diet, try to purchase the nitrate/nitrite free kind.  Deli meat is a great Paleo snack and you shouldn't feel guilty about having it in the fridge for a little snack.  And EAT the bacon!!! (Just keep it natural, local and nitrate/nitrite free.)

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