Sunday, June 3, 2012

Beef Jerky

Preparation is the key to success with anything and eating healthier is no exception. Having foods available to snack on can help keep the hunger monster away and keep you from just grabbing anything- including fast food.

One of the best things about jerky is that it is portable- toss it in your bag, send it to school, take it in the car. It's a healthy snack when you need a pick-me-up, and can have any flavoring you want.  I like to purchase a Swiss Steak and thinly slice it, trimming the large pieces of fat.  However, when I was purchasing the meat, I was told that if I call ahead, they would be happy to slice a Round Steak for me (They like to use frozen Round Steak, apparently it's easier to cut when it's frozen).   I was also told a general rule to jerky is you get half what you put in: if you start with 10 pounds, you will get 5 pounds when finished.

Peppered Beef Jerky

3 pounds steak (Swiss or Round cut) thinly sliced in strips

1/3 cup low sodium soy sauce
2/3 cup Wercestershire sauce
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
2 teaspoons black pepper

1.  Cut steak and place in a large bag, sealable bag (zip-loc style)
2.  Mix remaining ingredients and pour over meat, making sure the meat is well coated
3.  Refrigerate over night or at least 4 hours (I have always marinated my meat over night).
4.  Place meat on the dehydrator, following manufacturers guidelines.  My dehydrator is 155 degrees for about 4 hours. 

**Refrigerate jerky after it's made!

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